Laahiyatan quloobuhum; wa asarrun najwal lazeena zalamoo hal haazaa illaa basharum mislukum afataa toonas sihra wa antum tubsiroon
their hearts being set on other concerns. The wrong-doers whisper to one another: "This person is no more than a mortal like yourselves. Will you, then, be enchanted by sorcery while you see?"
Bal qaalooo adghaasu ahlaamim balif taraahu bal huwa shaa'irun falyaatinaa bi Aayatin kamaa ursilal awwaloon
They say: "Nay, these are confused dreams; nay, he has forged it; nay, he is a poet. So let him bring us a sign, even as the Messengers of the past were sent with signs."
Wa maaa arsalnaa qablaka illaa rijaalan nooheee ilaihim fas'aloo ahlaz zikri in kuntum laa ta'lamoon
(O Muhammad), even before you We never sent any other than human beings as Messengers, and to them We sent revelation. Ask the People of the Book if you do not know.
Wa lahoo man fis samaawaati wal ard; wa man 'indahoo laa yastakbiroona 'an 'ibaada tihee wa laa yastahsiroon
To Him belongs whosoever dwells in the heavens and on earth. Those (angels) that are with Him neither disdain to serve Him out of pride, nor do they weary of it.
Had there been any gods in the heavens and the earth apart from Allah, the order of both the heavens and the earth would have gone to ruins. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, Who is far above their false descriptions of Him.
Amit takhazoo min doonihee aalihatan qul haatoo burhaanakum haaza zikru mam ma'iya wa zikru man qablee; bal aksaruhum laa ya'lamoonal haqqa fahum mu'ridoon
Have they taken gods other than Him? Say, (O Muhammad): "Bring forth your proof! Here is the Book with admonition for those of my time and there are also scriptures with admonition for people before me." But most people do not know the Truth, and have, therefore, turned away from it.
Ya'lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum wa laa yashfa'oona illaa limanir tadaa wa hum min khash yatihee mushfiqoon
He knows whatever is before them and whatsoever is remote from them and they do not intercede except for him, intercession on whose behalf pleases Him, and they stand constantly in awe of Him.
Awalam yaral lazeena kafarooo annas samaawaati wal arda kaanataa ratqan faftaqnaahumaa wa ja'alnaa minal maaa'i kulla shai'in haiyin afalaa yu'minoon
Did the unbelievers (who do not accept the teaching of the Prophet) not realize that the heavens and the earth were one solid mass, then We tore them apart, and We made every living being out of water? Will they, then, not believe (that We created all this)?