Alaa lillaahid deenul khaalis; wallazeenat takhazoo min dooniheee awliyaaa'a maa na'buduhum illaa liyuqar riboonaaa ilal laahi zulfaa; innal laaha yahkumu baina hum fee maa hum feehi yakhtalifoon; innal laaha laa yahdee man huwa kaazibun kaffaar
Now, surely, sincere obedience is due to Allah (alone) and (as for) those who take guardians besides Him, (saying), We do not serve them save that they may make us nearer to Allah, surely Allah will judge between them in that in which they differ; surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.
Law araadal laahu aiyattakhiza waladal lastafaa mimmaa yakhluqu maa yashaaa'; Subhaanahoo Huwal laahul Waahidul Qahhaar
If Allah desire to take a son to Himself, He will surely choose those He pleases from what He has created. Glory be to Him: He is Allah, the One, the Subduer (of all).
Khalaqas samaawaati wal arda bilhaqq; yukawwirul laila 'alan nahaari wa yukawwirun nahaara 'alaal laili wa sakhkharash shamsa walqamara kulluny yajree li ajalim musammaa; alaa Huwal 'Azeezul Ghaffaar
He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth; He makes the night cover the day and makes the day overtake the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient; each one runs on to an assigned term; now surely He is the Mighty, the great Forgiver.
Khalaqakum min nafsinw waahidatin summa ja'ala minhaa zawjahaa wa anzala lakum minal-an'aami samaani yata azwaaj; yakhuluqukum fee butooni ummahaatikum khalqam mim ba'di khalqin fee zulumaatin salaas; zaalikumul laahu Rabbukum lahul mulk; laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa fa annaa tusrafoon
He has created you from a single being, then made its mate of the same (kind), and He has made for you eight of the cattle in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers-- a creation after a creation-- in triple darkness; that is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom; there is no god but He; whence are you then turned away?
In takfuroo fa innal laaha ghaniyyun 'ankum; wa laa yardaa li'ibaadihil kufra wa in tashkuroo yardahu lakum; wa laa taziru waaziratunw wizra ukhraa; summa ilaa Rabikum marji'ukum fa-yunabbi'ukum bimaa kuntum ta'maloon; innahoo 'aleemum bizaatissudoor
If you are ungrateful, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient above all need of you; and He does not like ungratefulness in His servants; and if you are grateful, He likes it in you; and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another; then to your Lord is your return, then will He inform you of what you did; surely He is Cognizant of what is in the breasts.
Wa izaa massal insaana durrun da'aa Rabbahoo muneeban ilaihi summa izaa khawwalahoo ni'matam minhu nasiya maa kaana yad'ooo ilaihi min qablu wa ja'ala lillaahi andaadal liyudilla 'ansabeelih; qul tamatta' bikufrika qaleelan innaka min Ashaabin Naar;
And when distress afflicts a man he calls upon his Lord turning to Him frequently; then when He makes him possess a favor from Him, he forgets that for which he called upon Him before, and sets up rivals to Allah that he may cause (men) to stray off from His path. Say: Enjoy yourself in your ungratefulness a little, surely you are of the inmates of the fire.
Amman huwa qaanitun aanaaa'al laili saajidanw wa qaaa'imai yahzarul Aakhirata wa yarjoo rahmata Rabbih; qul hal yastawil lazeena ya'lamoona wallazeena laa ya'lamoon; innamaa yatazakkaru ulul albaab
What! he who is obedient during hours of the night, prostrating himself and standing, takes care of the hereafter and hopes for the mercy of his Lord! Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful.
Say: O my servants who believe! be careful of (your duty to) your Lord; for those who do good in this world is good, and Allah's earth is spacious; only the patient will be paid back their reward in full without measure.
Fa'budoo maa shi'tum min doonih; qul innal khaasireenal lazeena khasirooo anfusahum wa ahleehim yawmal qiyaamah; alaa zaalika huwal khusraanul mubeen
Serve then what you like besides Him. Say: The losers surely are those who shall have lost themselves and their families on the day of resurrection; now surely that is the clear loss.
Lahum min fawqihim zulalum minan Naari wa min tahtihim zulal; zaalika yukhaw wiful laahu bihee 'ibaadah; yaa 'ibaadi fattaqoon
They shall have coverings of fire above them and coverings beneath them; with that Allah makes His servants to fear, so be careful of (your duty to) Me, O My servants!
Laakinil lazeenat taqaw Rabbahum lahum ghurafum min fawqihaa ghurafum mabniyyatun tajree min tahtihal anhaar; wa'dal laah; laa yukhliful laahul mee'aad
But (as for) those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have high places, above them higher places, built (for them), beneath which flow rivers; (this is) the promise of Allah: Allah will not fail in (His) promise.
Alam tara annal laaha anzala minas samaaa'i maaa'an fasalakahoo yanaabee'a fil ardi summa yukhriju bihee zar'am mukhtalifan alwaanuhoo summa yaheeju fatarahu musfarran summa yaj'aluhoo hutaamaa; inna fee zaalika lazikraa li ulil albaab
Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the cloud, then makes it go along in the earth in springs, then brings forth therewith herbage of various colors, then it withers so that you see it becoming yellow, then He makes it a thing crushed and broken into pieces? Most surely there is a reminder in this for the men of understanding.
Afaman sharahal laahu sadrahoo lil Islaami fahuwa 'alaa noorim mir Rabbih; fa wailul lilqaasiyati quloobuhum min zikril laah; ulaaa'ika fee dalaalim mubeen
What! is he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is in a light from his Lord (like the hard-hearted)? Nay, woe to those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah; those are in clear error.
Allahu nazzala ahsanal hadeesi Kitaabam mutashaa biham masaaniy taqsha'irru minhu juloodul lazeena yakhshawna Rabbahum summa taleenu julooduhum wa quloo buhum ilaa zikril laah; zaalika hudal laahi yahdee bihee mai yashaaa'; wa mai yudlilil laahu famaa lahoo min haad
Allah has revealed the best announcement, a book conformable in its various parts, repeating, whereat do shudder the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance of Allah; this is Allah's guidance, He guides with it whom He pleases; and (as for) him whom Allah makes err, there is no guide for him.
Afamai yattaqee biwaj hihee sooo'al 'azaabi Yawmal Qiyaamah; wa qeela lizzaali meena zooqoo maa kuntum taksiboon
Is he then who has to guard himself with his own person against the evil chastisement on the resurrection day? And it will be said to the unjust: Taste what you earned.
Darabal laahu masalar rajulan feehi shurakaaa'u mutashaakisoona wa rajulan salamal lirajulin hal tastawi yaani masalaa; alhamdu lillaah; bal aksaruhum laa ya'lamoon
Allah sets forth an example: There is a slave in whom are (several) partners differing with one another, and there is another slave wholly owned by one man. Are the two alike in condition? (All) praise is due to Allah. Nay! most of them do not know.