Wa laqad makkannaahum feemaaa im makkannaakum feehi waj'alnaa lahum sam'anw wa absaaranw wa af'idatan famaaa aghnaa 'anhum samu'uhum wa laaa absaaruhum wa laaa af'idatuhum min shai'in iz kaanoo yajhadoona bi Aayaatil laahi wa haaqa bihim maa kaanoo bihee yastahzi'oon
And We had firmly established them in a (prosperity and) power which We have not given to you (ye Quraish!) and We had endowed them with (faculties of) hearing, seeing, heart and intellect: but of no profit to them were their (faculties of) hearing, sight, and heart and intellect, when they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah; and they were (completely) encircled by that which they used to mock at!